Why remove hydrogen sulfide?
Biogas produced in anaerobic digesters typically includes concentrations of hydrogen sulfide from 40 to 4000 parts per million. Even greater concentrations have been observed. You will realize important benefits by removing hydrogen sulfide from your digester gas stream.
Sulfide removal process
Time-proven, the “Iron Sponge gas sweetening process” has been “sweetening sour gas” in sulfur-bearing gas fields for over fifty years. This is the most effective method of removing hydrogen sulfide from a gas stream. Digester gas passes through the permeable bed containing hydrated ferric oxide. Hydrogen sulfide reacts with ferric oxide, as demonstrated by the following equation, forming water and black, solid, ferric sulfide.
A Marcab Gas Purifier will remove all hydrogen sulfide present in gas passed through the vessel. Marcab systems are passive; requiring no operator nor any mechanical or electrical power.
Chemical Feed Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
Valves & Actuators Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
Valves & Actuators Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
Chemical Feed Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
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