Tsurumi Pump Equipment

Floating Scum Skimmers

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Tsurumi Pump
Wastewater Equipment

Floating Scum Skimmers


As the FSP-Series is a floating type of scum skimmer, it can meet any water level and effectively remove scum. A proprietary jet-injector mechanism ensures stable suction. It efficiently removes more scum and less supernatant liquid than conventional equivalents.

How It Works

  • Due to its floating design, the suction mouth can keep its relative position with the water surface. This prevents operation failure due to changes in the water level.
  • The suction mouth can be adjusted to a depth between 0 to 2 3/8″, which allows it to effectively suck scum and minimal amounts of water.
  • A jet injector mechanism prompts suction operation and help is stably suck even if water, air, and scum are drawn simultaneously.
  • Use of a flexible home simplifies installation


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