GDisk® Advantages
Fully-submerged vertical disks with outside-in flow enables increased flow rates, high solids loading, and small footprint. Static operation requiring power only for backwash minimizes maintenance and electrical costs. Beacon selects from three GDisk® pile cloth nominal filtration ratings according to the influent characteristics and effluent requirements. Manageable, reasonably-sized disk segments provide for ease of replacement.
How does it work
Beacon’s Pile Cloth Disk Filter (GDisk®) is a highly efficient filtering device that can be effectively operated when the concentration of suspended solids becomes high or hydraulic loading rate increases, unlike conventional filtering devices, and with a low backwash rate. Influent water filters by gravity through the proven GDisk® pile cloth, passes into a disk segment interior, through a connection port to the center tube, into the effluent chamber, and over an effluent weir.
During filtration, solids deposit on the outside surface of the cloth media, forming a mat, as clean filtrate flows through to the inside of the filter cloth. GDisk® automatically backwashes at a set water level or timed interval without interrupting the filtration process. As the solids build up on the cloth media surface, headloss increases the water level inside the tank.
The backwash process uses a centrifugal or submersible pump to create a suction and remove the solids from the surface of the cloth media via a very efficient backwash manifold. The drive motor and chain slowly rotate the disk and the pump pulls a vacuum on the backwash manifolds located on each disk side. Filtered water from the disk interior straightens and fluctuates the cloth fibers via the patented primary and main manifold slots. Once past the main slot, the pile is laid back down by the manifold. The vast remainder of the disk media not being cleaned by a manifold continues to filter water. Multiple disks are sequentially cleaned until the low water level is achieved.
Chemical Feed Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
Valves & Actuators Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
Valves & Actuators Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
Chemical Feed Equipment Solutions for Municipal and Industrial Use
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