Tsurumi Pump Equipment

Sewage Pump

Pump Equipment

Sewage Pump

With engineering features that offers extended operational life over traditional designs, Tsurumi offers a unique design that fits all types of customer’s wastewater and sewage applications.

Available Models

B Series: Solids handling, non-clog submersible pump designed for raw sewage and wastewater

BK Series:  Solids handling non-clog submersible pump featuring a standard cooling jacket at lo water levels without overheating.

BZ Series: Solids handing non-clog submersible pump with unique channel impeller designed for raw sewage in wastewater

MG Series: Foreign matter is finely ground by the built-in grinder mechanism

U Series: Semi-vortex, cast iron impeller passes solids and stringy materials without clogging

PU Series: Multi-purpose pump with a semi-vortex impeller to handle solids. Medium head / high volume pump.

UT/UTZ series: Prevents clogging by solids and fibrous materials through the use of a vortex impeller and wide passage

UZ Series: Vortex impeller and wide interior pump casing to handle suspended solids


Reach out to a Sales Engineer to help select the perfect pump for your application.

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P.O. Box 397
W166 N11965 Fond du Lac Ave.
Germantown, WI 53022