ChemScan Equipment

ChemScan RDOX Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe


RDOX Spec Sheet

Instrumentation Equipment

ChemScan RDOX Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe

How it works

The ChemScan rugged dissolved oxygen (RDO) RDOX probe uses optical technology for measuring dissolved oxygen (DO) in demanding wastewater process environments. The low-maintenance ChemScan RDOX Probe measures DO and provides extremely stable, accurate results. When the probe initiates a reading, a blue LED emits blue light, which excites lumiphore molecules in the sensing element. Excited lumiphore molecules emit red light, which is detected by a photodiode. Oxygen molecules quench the excited lumiphore molecules and prevent the emission of red light—a process called “dynamic luminescence quenching.” Determination of DO concentration by luminescence quenching has a linear response over a range of concentrations.


Low Maintenance
Integrated Design
Cost Effective
Robust Construction

Key advantages

• Long-lasting calibration—the probe maintains calibration and operates with no drift over long-term deployments, delivering consistent, reproducible results.
• Automatic setup—the ChemScan RDOX Cap is pre-loaded with factory calibration coeffi cients, serial number, and manufacture date. ChemScan RDOX can use Classic, Fast, or ChemScan RDOX Cap. Ships with ChemScan RDOX Cap.
• Sensor health diagnostics—internal indicators alert you about excessive wear and remind you about regular maintenance
• Fast response—with patented signal processing, the probe responds quickly and maintains stability, even in dynamically changing conditions.

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